Imagine you’re having a few friends over your apartment or home one evening. It’s a nice night, and things are going well until one of your friends spills their drink all over your new carpet! What do you do? Perhaps you can’t afford a steam cleaning or replacement right now, so what’s the right path to take?

Act quick! The faster you deal with a spill, the better chance you have at getting it out completely!

But how? Follow these steps of general advice for dealing with stains on-site:

  1. Blot It
    Using a white or light colored cloth (or towel), blot out as much of the staining liquid as possible. To blot, gently press and lift the cloth repeatedly, allowing it to absorb the liquid. Using a white or light colored cloth is useful in indicating how much of the staining liquid you’re actually picking up
  2. Grab the Vinegar
    White vinegar can be widely useful around the house, and along with it’s many other uses can help lift stains from carpets and rugs. The best method of applying vinegar on your carpet is with a spray bottle or soaked hand-towel.
  3. Blot It Again!
    Using another cloth, this time soaked in warm water, blot the stain with the applied vinegar. Do this as long as necessary!
  4. If there’s still something left, call a professional!
    So you followed these steps but theres still that fated red circle in the center of your living-room. Don’t just cover it with furniture! Call a professional for a consultation, and perhaps a quote on a visit/cleaning!

Hopefully these steps help in any scenario spill! In any case when you may feel that you may be in over your head, don’t hesitate to call a professional carpet cleaner or flooring center for information or advice personalized to your problem!



About The Author

Dane is the owner and manager at Eckard's Flooring Savannah GA.