Over 100 Area Rugs at Under $100!

Well, here we are, another Black Friday. If you are reading this (first of all thank you for stopping by!) then you are obviously not hanging out in line at your friendly local mega chain for this years deal of the century. And if you are, you must be reading this from your smart phone… and hi mom! Anyhow, hopefully you are taking a day off & looking this over while sipping a hot cup of hot chocolate & enjoying soft Christmas music in your well decorated for the holidays den… or living room, or wherever you may have your computer set up. It truly is a picturesque, Norman Rockwell Christmas in your home! Except for one thing: you don’t have an awesome rug under you right now. And even if you do, don’t you have relatives coming this year? Now, picture that one uncle, or in-law, or whoever it is that you really wish wasn’t coming. Yeah, her. Wouldn’t it be better to have a cheap… ahem, inexpensive rug to throw down so they don’t spill or track food or junk onto your otherwise pristine floors? Yes. I can remember Eckard’s company Christmas parties of years past when I can assure you, Steve and Linda Eckard would have killed after the fact to have had rugs put down prior to those get togethers… stories for another time perhaps. Anyway, check out our rugs. They are inexpensive. Even the wool ones. And they are HOT. They look good and will make an awesome impression.

Check us out on Facebook. Hopefully the carpet bagger will have a few fresh rug pics up by now…

Happy shopping,

Dane Eckard



About The Author

Dane is the owner and manager at Eckard's Flooring Savannah GA.