area rug

An area rug can pull a room together. It can make a cold-looking room warm, and can add dimension and depth to your décor. Different textures and colors work in different places in your home.

Adding Functionality to the Kitchen

For some, the idea of placing a rug in the kitchen seems unnatural. While the kitchen is prone to spills and messes from cooking, area rugs can still definitely work! By adding a bamboo rug or other flat rug to the area around your sink you’re defining the space and providing a soft pad to stand on while doing dishes or other work in the kitchen.

Enhancing the Dining Experience in the Dining Room

One of the most obvious spaces for an area rug is under your dining table. When choosing an area rug for your dining room, making sure the rug is big enough to accommodate your table with the chairs pushed all the way out. Ensuring the rug is large enough for the chairs to be pushed out will give the illusion of a bigger dining room and will make sure that your dining guests don’t lose their balance on the edge of the carpet.

Area Rugs Work in High Traffic Areas, Too

The hallway is an ideal location for a floor runner. When placing a rug in your hall, make sure it’s not too wide or else it could make your hallway appear narrow.  For a rug in a high traffic area, it’s also a good idea to purchase carpet tape to hold the rug in place.

Make Your Living Room or Bedroom Look Bigger

With a strategically placed area rug, your living room or bedroom can appear larger than it actually is. By placing a rug at the edge of your sofa you can once again define space and since the rug isn’t being hidden under your couch it appears to be larger than it actually is and creates the illusion of a larger space. The same technique applies to your bedroom. When placing an area rug under your bed, place the rug one or two feet away from your wall so the rug will extend far past the end of your bed and appear longer.

Carpet on Carpet: A Do or Don’t?

Placing an area rug on a hardwood, laminate or ceramic floor is a no-brainer, but what about placing a rug on a carpet?  If your home has carpeting, you can still take advantage of the design benefits of an area rug. When choosing a rug to place on your carpet, make sure the texture of the rug is different from your carpet. For example, if your carpet is quite flat, pick a thicker carpet with a more interesting texture.

Area Rugs Work in Every Room

From your kitchen and dining room to your living room and bedroom, area rugs can easily and inexpensively add depth to any room.


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About The Author

Dane is the owner and manager at Eckard's Flooring Savannah GA.